News archive - University associations unite in response to EU Commission proposal

More than 14 university associations discussed the Commission’s proposal  for Horizon Europe and outlined the most crucial elements that they regard as needing to be ironed out in the negotiating process.

The key messages of the statement are as follows:

  • Increase the total budget
  • Review the budget allocation
  • Put the realisation of the European Research Area at the centre of Horizon Europe across all pillars
  • Foresee better linkages between research, innovation and education
  • Include a human and societal reflection, as well as options for fundamental research, in all clusters and missions.

“We are calling on European policy makers to ensure that Horizon Europe will be well-designed to achieve future European ambitions and strengthen values,” said Martine Rahier, EUA Vice President. “It needs the best blueprint possible to properly reinforce the research and innovation that will impact Europe’s societies, the economy, and our daily lives.”

Joint Statement


Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on June 18, 2018
Modified on June 18, 2018