News archive - Balkan science journalists awarded the 2018 EurekAlert! Fellowships for International Science Reporters

For the first time, journalists from the Balkans  have been awarded the 2018 EurekAlert! Fellowships for International Science Reporters.

The journalism fellowship program, now in its 14th year, funds early-career science reporters from emerging economies to attend the AAAS Annual Meeting. The 2018 meeting, themed "Advancing Science Discovery to Application," will be held in Austin, TX Feb. 15-19.


Mićo Tatalović, Chair of the Association of British Science Writers and a judge of the 2018 EurekAlert! Fellowships, emphasized the importance of expanding the program to the Balkans.

"The Balkan region, and eastern Europe more generally, have been largely left out of the global conversations on science and the media, partly due to language barriers and economic isolations of the regions - and in some cases, war," said Tatalović, a former editor of New Scientist who also serves on the board of the Balkan Network of Science Journalists.

"There are few, if any opportunities, for young science writers in the Balkan region to make their first steps and get first paid assignments, so this fellowship comes as a fresh breath of air and a rare opportunity to travel, work with international colleagues, and learn from experienced editors how to do quality reporting about the latest science advancements."

Check out more details here

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Admin on January 19, 2018
Modified on January 19, 2018