News archive - [Event Announcement & Call for Papers] International Student Congress of International Balkan University

In order to keep the long tradition of the International Student Congress of International Balkan University (abbreviated as IBUISC’17), this Congress began with an idea from students for students. As the IBUISC’17 is expanding year by year, this year’s congress will be organized on university level.

During the past years, great importance was given to scientific research in the field of economics; however, we are honored to announce that this year a development was made in order to include more fields, such as: psychology, political and social sciences, communications, engineering, art and design, law and education. This change was made in order to include students from different educational backgrounds, as well as opening the doors of our event to all students from International Balkan University. As mentioned above, this year’s topic will vary from economics to art and design, given an opportunity to the participants to choose from several proposed topics in the given fields.

The topic “The Creation of the New World in a Globalized Era” of IBUISC’17 was developed due to its variety and flexibility, giving the participants the freedom to choose their preferred field of interest as well as hearing scientific papers including challenges and opportunities from different points of view. The motivation behind the chosen topic was its importance in every aspect of life, the fast-changing societies we live in, and the interconnectedness of people across the globe which is basically the aim of gathering the 50 participants from all around the world to this international event.


Related to these objectives, we cordially invite you to become part of our IBUISC’17 and submit your abstracts including your ideas and thoughts in your favored field!

Source and further information: IBUISC´17
Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on July 17, 2017
Modified on July 17, 2017