News archive - [Event Announcement & Call for Papers] 1st Southeast European Ichthyological Conference (SEEIC 2017)

The Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and the Faculty of Science, under the auspices of University of Sarajevo, are organizing the 1st Southeast European Ichthyological Conference (SEEIC 2017). The conference will be held from September 27 to 29, 2017 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Abstract Submission

Organizers of the conference welcome online submissions written in English language that are closely related to the areas specified in the call for papers.

  • Abstract should not exceed 300 words and it must clearly indicate the problem, objectives, research methods, results and conclusions.
  • Please take note that only online submissions, thus filling in the Abstract Submission Form, will be accepted and all abstracts sent by email, fax or post will not be considered.
  • Submitted abstracts must fit online format that doesn't register long abstracts and abstracts that include graphics and tables.
  • Authors are also advised to proofread their abstracts because abstracts will be reproduced from the online submission. Any error in spelling, grammar or data will appear online or in print.
  • Authors of the submitted abstracts for presentation must also make separate registration for the conference by filling in the Registration Form.
  • Submission of abstracts doesn't include official registration for the conference. If the abstract is submitted by two authors, both of them must make the official registration.
  • Authors should select their presentation (oral or poster) and thematic preferences. Each participant can submit up to 2 abstracts, but since the number of oral presentations is limited, only one can be an oral presentation. Please keep in mind that oral presentations cannot exceed 15 minutes, including the 3 minutes for questions and short discussion.

Preparation of Poster Presentation

  • Posters will be available for viewing for a full day, and authors will be asked to be available for discussion during the poster sessions. Posters should be formatted to fit a maximum size of standard A0-format (841 x 1189 mm) in portrait orientation. 
  • The title and author list must appear at the top of the poster. It is recommended to use a photo of the presenting author in the upper right corner. You can also bring some A4 copies of your poster for distribution.
  • At registration, you will be provided with instructions on your poster location, as well as a number. The number will be on the poster board assigned to your poster.

Preparation of Full-Text Manuscript:

  • The peer-reviewed full-text papers from the conference will be published in the journals Acta Adriatica (marine ecosystem) and the Croation Journal of Fisheries (freshwater ecosystems)

Source and further information: Conference website

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Danube Macroregion
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on March 21, 2017
Modified on March 23, 2017