News archive - [Announcement] SmartEIZ to organise workshops on Smart specialisation and R&I in 2017 and 2018 for stakeholders from SEE
SmartEIZ is twining project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme which has a double goal – to improve research excellence in the area of innovation and technology analysis and to enhance its policy impact. Its principal focus is research linked to smart specialization (S3) as the major policy activity in this area in the EU new members. The key feature of S3 is broad involvement of stakeholders in the process identifying a limited number of S3 priority areas for knowledge–based investments, focusing on their strengths and comparative advantages addressing country and region specific R&D and innovation challenges. It is also expected that the S3 approach will impact other Western–Balkan (WB) candidate and neighbourhood countries in a way of improving their compatibility with the EU–wide policy approach.
To implement this broad involvement of relevant stakeholders a questionnaire was prepared (a) to make a stock of the existing R&D and innovation policies and (b) to understand research and policy support needs of innovation stakeholders in Western Balkann, especially those related to Smart Specialisation.
So far, based on the input from around 130 completed questinnaires as of Nov. 2016, SmartEIZ team drafted the following topics that should be in focus of planned nine workshops and a summer school, starting with April 2017 and last workshop to be implemented by March 2018:
- Assessing innovation policy
- Clusters
- Global value chain, including FDI
- Science – industry link
- SMART skills
- Companies, innovation and productivity
- Technology, Growth and productivity, including KET
- Evaluation of individual R&D, innovation policy instruments
- Entrepreneurship & knowledge based economy
However, the questionnaire is still open until end of the year; by filling in the questionnaire SmartEIZ wil be able to better focus and organise training workshops on the topic of Smart Specialisation and research & innovation policy for stakeholders from the Western Balkan regions. Since a great part of the questionnaires received were filled in by stakeholders from Croatia and Serbia, SmartEIZ team invites in particular stakeholders from other countries in the region to complete the questionnaire.
A further information about the planned training workshops based on the completion of this questionnaire will be available early next year. will keep you informed.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Western Balkans
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on December 6, 2016
Modified on December 6, 2016