News archive - [Call for Expression of Interest] IPA 2016 support in the sector of competitiveness and innovation in BiH - Deadline: 1st September 2016
The overall objective of the IPA 2016 Action Document “Competitiveness and Innovation: local development strategies” is to strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capacity for generating growth and employment through support to competitiveness and innovation. The specific objective of this document is to support Bosnia and Herzegovina’s private sector development with a focus on export oriented, agro-rural and tourism sectors and on enhancing the operational environment for MSMEs.
Request for expression of interest for candidate entities to be entrusted with the implementation of the IPA 2016 support in the sector of 'Competitiveness and Innovation: Local Development Strategies' in view of potentially entering into formal negotiation leading to the signature of an Indirect Management Delegation Agreement in the course of 2017.
The European Union Delegation, building on the suggestions of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s authorities is looking into possibilities for indirect management with other entities, besides the EU and the national structures, to implement parts of the 2014-2020 Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) foreseen for the country.
This request for expression of interest aims at identifying entities, which could be later on invited to exploratory talks on a potential subsequent entrustment of the Union’s budget implementation tasks (BIT) in respect to specific actions of the 2016 Action Document for Competitiveness and Innovation: local development strategies. The organisation in expressing an interest to this consultation does not commit itself. At the same time, the European Commission reserves the right to take its final decision on the delegated actions upon its discretion.
A budget implementation tasks (BIT) means that the entrusted entity is responsible for:
- Implementation of grant award and procurement procedures
- Award decisions for grants and procurement – complementary decisions to reject the other applicants and tenderers;
- Implementation of contracts: signature of legal commitments, authorisation of payments and recoveries, audits and follow-up
- Implementation of financial instruments
- Treasury and accounting.
Submission Requirements: Interested entities are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest by replying to the questions mentioned under Annex II.
The information should be sent by email to the following e-mail address: , by 1th of September 2016, 24:00 o’clock, CET, the latest.
All additional questions related to this Letter should be addressed to the EU Delegation not later than 26 August 2016 12:00 o’clock, CET.
More information on the type of arrangements for managing the EU projects (referred to as ‘management modes’) is available on the EU website
Find HERE the complete Request for Expression of Interest, including Annexes
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- General
Entry created by Anna Sirocco on July 29, 2016
Modified on July 29, 2016