News archive - [Event Review] Fair of innovative ideas: Innovations towards equal opportunities, held in EU Info Center

Montenegrin CSOs presented social services that they provide, as well as innovative methods for inclusion of marginalised groups to the key decision makers, at a Fair of Innovative ideas. This Fair, held in the EU Info Center, is a part of the SPEED UP Project financed by European Union. The Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro, Ambassador Mitja Drobnic, opened the Fair.

Drobnic pointed out that social policies are firmly rooted in the foundations of the European Union, and one of the EU ambitions in Montenegro is to support the establishment of social welfare standards similar to the European Social Model.

-Protection of vulnerable and marginalised groups, and their empowerment, was one of the key challenges for policy makers and civil society organizations. Their efforts should be synchronized and thus create synergies, in order to achieve the best possible results. – explained Drobnic.

The aim of the Fair, as well as the SPEED UP Project, was to strengthen the role of Civil Society in further harmoniation of Montenegrin social politics with EU standards, as a contribution of a CSos to Montenegrin association process. Innovative ideas and exchange of know-how, as well as the coordination of key policy makers in giving answers to the most challenging issues that vulnerable groups are facing, are the main reason that gathered all participants of a Fair of innovative ideas.

In orderto remain competitive in the global marketplace and generate economic growth and new jobs in Europe, EChas presented a comprehensive innovation initiative called “Innovation Union”, as a part of the Europe 2020 Strategy for the creation of a more favorable environment for innovation development, with particular emphasis on social innovation, pointed His Excellency

-Social innovation is about tapping into the ingenuity of charities, service providers, associations and social entrepreneurs to find new ways of meeting social needs, which are not adequately met by the market or the public sector. It can help generate behavioural changes needed to tackle major societal challenges and can scale up understanding of social responsibility and help combating social exclusion and poverty. -said HoD Mitja Drobnic.

Montenegro has made significant efforts to reach the goals of a socially inclusive society, but the country still needs to further develop its social protection system and institutional capacities, concluded Drobnic.

Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Zorica Kovacevic agreed with Ambassador Drobnic claiming that cooperation with civil society was important for the harmonisation of Montenegrin social policies with EU standards

-It's good that you gathered all of us from relevant ministries, so that we heardthe problems thatservice providers and vulnerable groups face, as well as plans for their improvement, and thus creating the conditions for making a long-term synchronized cross-sectoral initiatives that will give better results .- said minister Kovacevic.

Montenegrin educational system promotes social inclusion, said Arijana Nikolic Vucinic, Deputy Minister for Primary and Preschool Education and Education of Persons with Special Education Needs

15 Civil society organizations from various parts of Montenegro, as well as various part of interests, participated the Fair of innovative ideas in the EU Info Center.

Geographical focus
  • Montenegro
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on April 18, 2016
Modified on April 18, 2016