News archive - [Event Announcement and Call for papers] 22nd Annual EARMA conference: New Horizons in Research Management

The European Association for Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) is now accepting proposals for sessions or workshops to be held at the 22nd Annual EARMA conference in Luleå, Sweden, June 19-23rd 2016. The Annual Conference Committee (ACC) invites all those interested in research management and administration to become actively involved in the conference programme. The ACC seeks current and thought-provoking topics and speakers who can engage their audiences with quality-driven content in lively and informative discussions.

Please read this guide carefully, send your proposal(s) online, and help the organisers to uphold the high standards of previous conferences by exploring new ideas and directions.

Deadline for submissions: 4th December 2015

Who can submit?

Anyone active in the field of Research Management and Administration is welcome to submit a proposal. If you are not already an EARMA member, we encourage you to join, as this way you will gain more benefits and also be better able to contribute to the Association. However, EARMA membership is not part of the assessment of proposals.

Details of the online Submission
Author: This is the person submitting the abstract. The system defaults is author = presenter. However, if you are not also the presenter, please click on link “(I’m not the author)”. You will then be able to add the details of the presenter.
In either case, you can nominate as many authors (presenters) as you wish. Nevertheless, bear in mind that for standard presentations, the usual case will be one presenter per session. There may be cases, however, where a joint presentation will add more value. If it’s a roundtable or panel session, then it would be normal to have more than one.

“Corresponding Author” is simply the main contact for communications about the topic. The usual case will be that this is the same as the presenter. However, authors are welcome to nominate a colleague who will deal with communications about the topic. You do this by simply adding another author.

Tracks Topics are arranged into 7 Tracks. Please read carefully the Track descriptions available on the conference webpages. Each Track has several themes. You should select ONE theme within a Track. If you cannot find a theme covering your topic select the closest match. If your topic matches more than one theme, explain this in the abstract description.

Abstract: As well as abstract description, we ask for an acronym to help identity the topic. Do not worry if you cannot think of an appropriate acronym. In this case the ACC will supply one for you.
Review Criteria

Please consider the following. Depending upon the topic, some or all of the following will be taken into account:

  • Overall clarity of submission
  • Appropriate level of audience [Select one of: Beginner, intermediate, advanced, all levels]
  • The intended learning outcomes
  • The relevance and timeliness of the content for RM&A
  • Where appropriate, relevance to the Conference theme: [“New Horizons in Research Management”]
  • Where appropriate, any plans for a follow-up activity: Examples include an article, repeat presentation in another location (“OLAF”), survey of members, report on session.
  • Quality and level of speakers: Do they have sufficient knowledge and experience of the topic? Except for new speakers, do they have good feedback from previous sessions? (Note, we welcome both previous speakers and people who are new)
  • Number of speakers (please fully justify if more than 2 speakers are required. (see also comments above and “Authors”)
  • The novelty of the topic: Where possible, the ACC looks to support new ideas for topics not previously covered. However, if the topic is not particularly novel, it will still be evaluated favourably if it can be justified in terms of any of the following:

1) essential for the day-to-day work of an RM&A
2) a required update to previous knowledge
3) particularly helpful for beginners.
4) relevant to the EARMA Certificate Programme

Topic Format: Please read carefully the description of topic formats 

Limits on number of participants: Normally, only workshops or closed roundtable sessions will have a limit. Therefore, please do not place a limit on other sessions unless there are exceptional circumstances. Where a session does have a limit, you are asked for a justification (Though if it’s a workshop, this need not be very detailed)

Repeat sessions: We also ask whether you would be willing to do a repeat session. We would only ask this where your session is likely to be very popular. However, whilst this would greatly help the conference organization, there is absolutely no obligation to say ‘yes’.

Information requested only to successful authors:
If your proposal is successful, we will contact you to check if you have Special / Technical Requirements. We will also ask you to nominate a chair for your session. If you are not the main presenter, you would normally act as chair. The chair of the session will invite questions from the audience and should normally be knowledgeable in the topic area.

Source: EARMA

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 25, 2015
Modified on November 25, 2015