News archive - Launch of the WBC Information Platform on Research, Technology and Innovation
We are happy to announce the launch of WBC Information Platform on Research, Technology and Innovation as of June 30, 2015. The Platform is funded by Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and it builds upon very successful WBC-INCO.NET platform (project funded under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development; Contract Number: 212029).
The core objectives of the Information Platform are:
- to support dissemination of high quality information via the website, monthly thematic newsletters and social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter)
- to provide analytical support on specific thematic RTDI issues such as Evaluation, RTDI statistics, Research funding etc.
- to support the bi-regional dialogue on science, technology and innovation by benefiting from and interacting with the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries
Following the support function of the WBC-INCO.NET Platform to the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries, intends to continue this support through thematic eNewsletter, analytical studies and reports and dedicated Steering Platform area on the website where among others yearly countries’ progress reports on cooperation in/with WBC and presentations from Steering Platforms can be found.
How to contribute?
You are invited to publish your event announcements, your organization profile or your project news and documents, as well as to disseminate relevant news on funding opportunities, cooperation possibilities, scholarships, awards, etc.
Furthermore, each month we will focus another thematic priority such Evaluation, RTDI statistics, Research funding etc. that might also be in your interest and/or you might want to disseminate your paper or announce an event you are organising that are dealing with one of the topics we are focusing. We would be glad to include your input!
Access to our platform is free of charge and open to everyone interested in RTDI systems in WBC as well as in cooperation possibilities in/with the region.
As a registered Platform - user, you will be able to enjoy the following features and benefits:
- Personalized information – by indicating your scientific and regional focus all related information will be automatically brought to your personal area.
- Networking possibilities – you have the access to contact data of other users who are looking for cooperation and networking possibilities.
- Own news and event announcements – you have the possibility to disseminate your own news and event announcements – by yourself. Please use the "Submit" button for this. We will briefly check your input and publish it.
- Furthermore, you can enter your organization or project in our databases and a lot more.
Do you have other suggestions to make? Or questions to ask us? Please do not hesitate to contact us at:
- Western Balkans
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 5, 2015
Modified on January 29, 2016