News archive - The Regional Cooperation Council launched a tender for a consultant/expert on technology transfer

The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is looking for a consultant/expert on technology transfer in the area of research, development and innovation dimension as per the SEE 2020 Strategy. Qualified candidates are invited to send an application in line with the terms of reference and application rules.

The purpose of the consultancy is to assist in the implementation of the South East Europe (SEE) 2020 – Jobs and Prosperity in a European Perspective (hereinafter: “SEE 2020” or “Strategy”), particularly in the area of Research & Development (R&D) and Innovation under the Smart Growth pillar of the Strategy. The main expected output is development of a detailed programme of actions for improving technology transfer and scientific parks in the region, including outlining elements of a regional action plan in the area of R&D and Innovation as described in the Chapter II of these ToR. The purpose is also to facilitate the work of the future Western
Balkans Research and Innovation Strategy Exercise (WISE) which will act as the dimension coordinator in the Smart Growth pillar.


  •  Qualified candidates are invited to send an application via e-mail to no later than 25 May 2014
  • Applications will be evaluated based on professional capacity of the expert, the quality of the technical proposal and cost-effectiveness of the financial offer on 80/20 basis
  • Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

The application needs to contain the following:

  • Application Submission Form, Annex I;
  • Letter of interest;
  • CV including relevant knowledge and experience;
  • Reference list including contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees;
  • An outline work programme of a maximum of 2 pages that the applicant is applying for that will describe the main issues, sources of information to be used, and research tools to be employed by the consultant;
  • Financial Proposal as per Annex II.

Source and more information:

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on April 28, 2014
Modified on April 28, 2014