News archive - EC Public Consultation - Trusted Cloud Europe Survey

The European Commission is keen to establish Europe as a trusted region for cloud computing, building on Europe's reputation for high standards of data protection, security, and for its handling of public services and transparency issues.

Trusted Cloud Europe was prepared by the European Cloud Partnership (ECP) Steering Board to propose options for the European Commission to help public & private organisations in Europe buy and sell cloud services in a safe and trusted environment.

Current and future users and providers of cloud computing services as well as other interested parties are invited to comment on the ECP's ideas by taking part in a survey.

Share your opinion on Trusted Cloud Europe and discuss with others until Friday 2 May 2014.

Further information:



Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ivan Zupan on April 11, 2014
Modified on April 23, 2014