News archive - Call for Papers: International conference: "Why still education?"

The first International conference Why still education? is conceived as an open forum for reflection on and development of educational strategies, which will provide the space for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, and encourage challenges to the existing educational practices.


Papers, reports on finalised/ongoing/planned research, case studies and workshops proposals should be sent to with the following subject „PROPOSAL: presentation title“.

Complete proposal in .doc, .docx or .pdf format (Times New Roman, size 12, double spacing) should include:

  • Name and surname of author(s), title(s), affiliation(s), and contact email address
  • Title of presentation
  • Type of presentation: oral presentation, panel discussion, or demonstrations
  • Abstract (up to 250 words) and key words
  • Thematic domain


Presentations at the conference would be either oral (individual presentation or panel discussion) or demonstrations of research (organized as workshop, laboratory, performance, multimedia presentation).

Oral presentation

Presentation time for papers should be no more than 15 minutes. Papers will be presented in plenary or parallel thematic sessions. Thematic sessions will last 90 minutes and will consist of five presentations, followed by a discussion.

Oral presentations at the plenary sessions will proceed in “theatrical style”. Oral presentations in parallel thematic sessions will take the form of round tables.

Panel discussion

We welcome proposals for organization and facilitation of panel discussions. Panel discussion may be formulated on any topic within the conference domain. In order to be successful, panel discussion has to offer different perspectives and coherent argumentation.

Panel discussion involves three to five discussants who will, as precisely and concisely as possible (not longer than five minutes), present their arguments or critically comment on other discussants’ arguments. Their presentations will be followed by a discussion open to all participants. Each panel discussion should last not more than 90 minutes.


Workshops and other demonstrations of educational projects, results of research or innovative educational programmes (performances, multimedia presentations etc.) are conceived as presentation, test and exchange of insights which can be illustrated or applied in educational processes. Those can be either methodological or organisational contributions to pedagogical practice, or experiences which have ensued from specific approaches to school subjects. Workshops will enable presenters to investigate the capacities of presented experimental and alternative educational models, and will challenge the possibilities and limits of their implementation. These sessions aim to create common ground for presenting new ideas in education in practical, less formal and more focused manner than other conference sessions. The structure, style and format of each workshop will be determined by its organizer. Workshops will last not more than 90 minutes.

Official languages of the conference are English and BHS.

Conference Program Board will review the abstracts and select the participants. The Book of abstracts will accompany the conference material. Edited volume with conference proceedings will be published in 2015. The papers for the edited volume need to be in English or BHS languages (length 20.000-60.000 characters with spaces).


Proposal submission deadline: March 15, 2014

Presenters notified of decision on proposal: March 30, 2014

Registration closes: April 30, 2013

Conference: June, 6-8 2014

Final papers to be delivered: October 30, 2014

Publication of Conference Proceedings: March 2015

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on March 7, 2014
Modified on March 7, 2014