News archive - [Event review:] International conference „New cluster policies for Central Europe and beyond”

The international conference „New cluster policies for Central Europe and beyond” took place on 17th of february, 2014, in Brussels. It aimed at discussing new cluster concepts for cluster policy in Europe. In the light of the upcoming challenges at European level indicating demographic change, climate change etc. clusters will have to adapt their way of traditional clustering in order to be able to come up with solutions required by the new markets. Clusters are an important innovation factor for regions. If clusters are willing to exploit new emerging markets also the competitiveness of regions will be raised.

In the morning session of the conference three Key Note Speakers set the scene for the current cluster policies in Europe. Participants were informed about the cluster policies in Europe with three different focuses: the future European challenges, Smart Specialisation and Key Enabling Technologies.

In the afternoon session the participants were able to learn from best practices from the Central Europe region and beyond. In the framework of the strategic Central Europe project called CluStrat new cluster concepts have been developed and tested in pilot actions. Best practices and new cluster concepts were presented and discussed, also from outside of the CE area. Based on these findings impacts on the cluster policy in Europe were discussed. A special focus was on how these results can be directly transferred into other regions, especially the Danube region.

Please see the Conference Programme for more information:
The draft programme is available HERE.

Event homepage to be found here


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on February 19, 2014
Modified on February 19, 2014