News archive - Call for Institutional Partnership RRPP Local Coordination Unit (LCU) Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2014 – September 2016

The RRPP Management, implemented by the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, is launching a call for partnership with an institution/organisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina that is interested to act as its Local Coordination Unit (LCU).

The Call is open to public and accredited private universities, non-governmental organisations and independent research institutes that are sharing RRPP’s objectives and are interested to contribute to their reaching.

Deadline for submission of proposals: March 04, 2014.

Find more information on the official Call for partnership

Find the Terms of Reference here.

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on February 14, 2014
Modified on February 14, 2014