News archive - [Call for Applications] Post-doc opportunities, Ireland

The Irish Government has just opened a post-doctoral scheme, which is open to applicants of any nationality. Applicants must be within 5 years of graduation and must be finished their PhD including the oral examination before 11 February 2014.

Deadline is 11 Feb 2014.  Positions will start on 1 Oct 2014.  One year fellowships are intended for recent graduates to publish their doctoral thesis.  2 and 3 year fellowships are aimed at applicants who already have good publications and who are starting a new project. (see details)
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Dublin City University, Ireland is especially interested in hosting incoming scholars who fit in its areas of specialisation  but will consider any good
This is a very competitive scheme.  In order to allow us make our internal choices about who we will endorse and to work with an applicant to strengthen their proposal we would need to receive a proposal and cv of a potential applicant by email before 15 January.

For further information

Dr. John Doyle
Director, Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction
Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dublin City University, Ireland
Tel. 00 353 1 700 8084

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on December 17, 2013
Modified on December 17, 2013