News archive - [Call for applications] PhD position: religion and violence on the Balkans (1848-1914)

The Leibniz Institute of European History in Mainz (Germany) invites applications for a four-year PhD position within the Emmy Noether Research Group ‘Battles over Belief: Religion and Violence in Catholic Europe, 1848-1914’, which is led by Dr. Eveline G. Bouwers and funded by the German Research Foundation. The research group investigates the relationship between violence/iconoclasm and religion in Europe between 1848 and 1914 and specifically looks at responses to religious-political conflicts involving Catholics. More details can be found at

Candidates should hold a master degree (or be near completion) in history with a specialization in the history of the Balkans and should demonstrate an interest in the history of religious or political conflict during the modern era. Possible PhD topics – with a focus on Catholic peoples (e.g. Croatians or Slovenians), possibly in comparison with other denominations – include: Catholic attacks on liberals; anticlerical violence; violence against religious minorities; religion and questions of nationality / ethnicity; religion and war; religious identity and the remembrance of violence. An excellent command of English and, for international applicants, a commitment to learn German is required. The successful candidate will be expected to reside in Mainz and actively participate in the activities of the research group. This includes attending the colloquium and supporting the group leader with the organization of lectures and workshops.

The position will start on 1 May 2014 and is awarded for four years. The salary grade accords to the German governments’ scheme (TV-L E13, 65%); additional travel funds for research are available. As an independent research institute the IEG does not confer academic degrees. PhD-degrees will instead be awarded by the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany).

Applications – including a letter of motivation, CV, academic transcripts, one-page research proposal, and one reference letter – should be submitted via email by Monday 16 December 2013 under reference (Battles-Balkans) to:

Leibniz-Institute of European History
c/o Mrs. Erika Seibel, Human Resources
Alte Universitätsstrasse 19
55116 Mainz (Germany)

The reference letter should be sent separately by the referee; all other documents should be submitted in a single PDF-file. Those candidates, who have not yet finished their master degree, should include a statement of their supervisor on their progress and the expected completion date. Interviews will be held in January 2014; for candidates from outside Germany, interviews will be arranged via Skype. For further questions, please contact Dr. Eveline G. Bouwers (
IEG is an equal opportunity/affirmative-action employer. In case of equality of qualification and suitability of applicants, the applications made by female researchers will be given preferential consideration. We also encourage applications from disabled persons.

Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on December 11, 2013
Modified on December 11, 2013