News archive - Open Position: Academic Officer for the American Research Center in Sofia

The American Research Center in Sofia seeks a dynamic scholar for a 2-year, full-time position as Academic Officer for Balkan Studies. This Academic Officer will help develop academic programs at ARCS, including its lecture series, conferences, and excursions; develop and nurture relationships with scholars and institutes in the Balkans and abroad; develop research projects; and play a leading role in the editorial process of ARCS publications. The position begins as soon as possible, but no later than July 2014.

The ideal candidate will hold a PhD from an American or British university in the field of history, art/architectural history, archaeology, urban studies, cultural anthropology or a related field in the context of Bulgaria and the Balkans with a chronological focus between the 6th and early 20th centuries AD (Age of Justinian to World War I). We will consider strong candidates with PhD’s from other countries; however, written and spoken fluency in English and familiarity with the American system of higher education and research are required.


Please send a CV and a detailed letter of introduction with information regarding your research, employment history, other activities, and how you would contribute toward the development of ARCS to: Eric C. De Sena<> (Director/CEO, American Research Center in Sofia). Please ask two scholars familiar with you and your work to send letters of recommendation to Dr. De Sena. For full consideration, please send application materials by January 15, 2014. Applications submitted after this date may be considered if suitable candidates have not already been identified.


Founded in 2004, ARCS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting research in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the context of Bulgaria and neighboring Balkan countries (Romania, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania). An important part of our Mission is to build bridges between North American and Southeast European scholars and institutes as well as between the academic and public realms.

Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on December 9, 2013
Modified on December 9, 2013