News archive - [Event Review] - Development of Functional Media Institutions in Western Balkans - A Comparative Study

The Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) held a promotional event in Skopje on November 7th, wherein the policy brief on the comparative study “Development of Functional Media Institutions in FYR of Macedonia” was distributed. 

This event was organized within the RRPP-funded project Development of Functional Media Institutions in Western Balkans - A Comparative Study and implemented by Analitika - Center for Social Research from Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) from FYR of Macedonia, Albanian Media Institute (AMI) from Albania and Democracy for Development (D4D) from Kosovo*. 

Ms. Slavica Indzhevska, a representative of the RRPP in FYR of Macedonia and one of the policy brief’s co-authors, Professor Zhidas Daskalovski, jointly discussed the media development in the country since its independence. Professor Daskalovski presented his project work and the main findings of a study he co-authored with Ms. Tamara Markoski Dimitrijevska, a doctoral student at the University of Central Florida. 

The policy brief demonstrates how media assistance in FYR of Macedonia has been effective in helping to establish media outlets, to build capacities and to support legislative drafting. Moreover, the policy brief reveals problems related to the politicization of media sector, the process which has yet to be effectively addressed by donors in FYR of Macedonia. 

Intense discussions followed on the effects of media assistance in FYR of Macedonia, and more generally on the state of affairs in the country’s media sector. The promotion was well-attended by representatives from the media, business sector, civil society, academia and independent researchers.

Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 27, 2013
Modified on November 29, 2013