News archive - Latest Horizon 2020 work programmes on Industrial Leadership released
The latest work programmes regarding Horizon 2020’s pillar Industrial Leadership, which the Eurostars programme will also be part of, has been released on the European Commission’s website.
Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Union, specifically dedicated to innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The first call for Eurostars under Horizon 2020 will open in 2014, and many improvements to the programme will be implemented. The first call deadline, already published, will be March 13, 2014. As a complement to other tools addressing SMEs within Horizon 2020, Eurostars will play the crucial role of putting knowledge into the market place.
The papers published on the work programmes section of the Horizon 2020 websites are being made public just before the adoption process to provide potential participants to the debates with the currently expected main lines of the work programmes 2014-2015. They are working documents not yet endorsed by the European Commission.
Download the EU Horizon 2020 work programme on innovation in SMEs.
See all Horizon 2020 work programmes 2014-2015 on the European Commission’s website.
Source: EUREKA website
- General/no specific focus
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 27, 2013
Modified on November 27, 2013