News archive - Think and Act as a European - training for 15 EFB community members in Hungary/Slovakia

The European Fund for the Balkans in cooperation with the European House (Hungary) is realizing the EFB Community Training Programme “Think and Act as a European” which  is held both in Hungary and Slovakia in the period between November 17th –November 23th.

The priority of this training programme is to reach the other side and the broader European context, by thinking and acting in a European manner. Getting introduced with the cross-border cooperation projects, the EU funded initiatives and platforms through a series of focused trainings and practical field visits can influence the change of perspectives and mindset of the participants.

Since the young leaders of the region will be the future holders of power and decision makers in a variety of areas of society, they are recognized as the strongest force for development of the region and its integration in the EU, as well as the potential for cooperation between the countries.

As a new approach and experience the project will bring 15 persons from the 7 Western Balkan countries including Croatia by treating them as EU citizens on an equal footing and on a partnership basis into the current mainstream of European policy-making processes. An integral part of the programme is to present EU policies in the form of concrete projects during a field visit to the neighbouring areas of Hungary/Slovakia.

“Think and Act as a European” is envisioned as a combination of interactive discussions, presentations and training sessions like “How to be a committed European EU state of play just before a decisive year of 2014”, Why and how to consult?”, “The role of social partners in EU decision-making processes”, “My first day experience in a new EU Member State administration – the Hungarian case”, “The objectives and characteristics of the EU 2014-2020 planning period (Multiannual Financial Framework) What does it mean for a Member State and for the citizens?”, “Enhancing institutional capacity and ensuring an efficient administration and good governance”, “How to prepare to the 2014 European Parliament elections?, “EU enlargement: a hot potato or a logical process? How to make it an important element in a new EU agenda?”, “Almost English: learn and practice the special EU-version of the language with the assistance of a tailor-made vocabulary”.

Source: EFB

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 17, 2013
Modified on November 20, 2013