News archive - [Event Review] CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology in Trieste

Ministers for Science and Technology, State Secretaries, Deputy Ministers and High officials from the 18 Member States of the Central European Initiative, as well as representatives of the European Commission, gathered in Trieste on 29 October 2013 at the Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology.

On top of the Agenda were the activities in the field of advanced biofuels and the related development of a Bio-based Economy. In this context, the Ministers expressed full appreciation for the approval of the three projects concerning the promotion of technological development related to Advanced Biofuels, the optimisation of supply and logistics of bio-mass resources and a policy dialogue on research/innovation in the Danube Region.

Special focus was also put on the progress achieved with regard to the establishment of the C-ERIC Consortium aimed at facilitating access of Scientific Communities of CEI Member States to the Synchrotron Radiation Laboratories (Elettra) and to the Free Electron Laser Laboratories (Fermi) located in Trieste.  Ministers expressed appreciation for the two calls already launched, which will enable ten fellows from CEI Member Countries to be immediately involved in C-ERIC-related scientific activities.

The CEI Secretariat’s efforts in promoting scientific research and innovation especially in the Balkans, the Danube Region and the Eastern Neighbourhood were also highlighted.

The PPT presentation by Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit of the Inter-institutional and Stakeholders Relations Office (European Commission) on the Joint Research Center is available here.

The PPT presentation by Giorgio Rosso Cicogna, Special Advisor to CEI Secretary General, on Advanced Biofuels and a Biobased Economy  is available here.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 4, 2013
Modified on November 12, 2013