News archive - WEBCAST: From Lab to Market: Horizon 2020 - and how the EU can advance innovation
ScienceBusiness is organising a webconference on November 12th, from 17.00 to 19.00. Participation is free but you need to Register here to watch the live webcast.
Preliminary Agenda
17:00 Horizon 2020: The view from the Parliament
An interactive debate taking stock of the new Horizon 2020 programme – with some of the MEPs most involved in its development.
18:00 Getting inventions to earn their keep - a personal account, Hermann Hauser, FRS
First annual Science|Business lecture by the most active VC and entrepreneur in the Cambridge cluster
Followed by a discussion and a Q&A session: How can the EU make more innovation happen? Is Horizon 2020 sufficient, or even helpful?
Participate online in the live Q&A: Send your questions to or Tweet with #H2020EP
Featured guests
Maria da Graça Carvalho |
Andrew Duff Member of the European Parliament |
Christian Ehler Member of the European Parliament |
James Elles Member of the European Parliament |
Hermann Hauser Partner, Amadeus Capital Partners |
Waldemar Kütt Deputy Head of Unit, Cabinet of Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn |
Register here to watch the live webcast
- General/no specific focus
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 11, 2013
Modified on November 11, 2013