News archive - Open Calls in view of "Industrial Technologies 2014"
The 2014 Industrial Technologies conference is organised in Athens, Greece on April 9-11th 2014. The event takes place during the Greek Presidency of the European Council, and follows on from the previous successful Industrial Technologies events in Brussels in 2010 and in Aarhus in 2012.
The main topics to be addressed during Industrial Technologies 2014 are:
- European and global developments in the high-tech arena
- Re-industrialisation and regional development in Europe
- Technological and entrepreneurial opportunities especially for the Balkan and Mediterranean states
- Opportunities in Horizon 2020 in the field of enabling technologies
- Cutting-edge research, latest innovations and rising companies
The 3-day programme offers numerous opportunities to meet and hear international high-level speakers from industry, research and policy. You can explore cutting-edge technologies and network with innovative start-ups and well-known corporations, top-notch research organisations, technology clusters and various other important stakeholders of the European Technology platforms and the Public Private Partnerships. The conference programme includes 4 plenaries, 17 sessions, and 12 workshops with high-level speakers from all the areas of NMP.
At Industrial Technologies 2014 High profile speakers will provide an insight into the above issues in plenary sessions while more detailed interactive disuccsions will take place in themed workshops hosted by organisations from across Europe.
Project developments will be on display in a dedicated demo zone next to an exhibition providing information on research, development and innovation in Europe. Business to business meetings will also be facilitated.
The calls for workshop proposals, projects for the Best Project award and for the sumission of posters are now open - click on the links below for more information:
- Apply for a workshop before 30 November 2013
- Apply for the Best Project Award before 12 January 2014
- Apply for the Poster Session and Best Poster Award before 12 January 2014
- Participate in the FutureFlash! demo competition and showcase your exhibits – apply before 31 December 2013
- Book a stand at the IndustryTech 2014 exhibition
- Europe
- Western Balkans
- Engineering and Technology
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 7, 2013
Modified on November 7, 2013