News archive - [Event Review] Open Access: COST Symposium on Practice, Opportunities and Challenges

Debate and discussion in relation to open access to publications and on open access to research data have taken place across a range of disciplines in recent years. The European Commission recommendation (July 2012) on access to and preservation of scientific information, recent consultations by the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation with stakeholders on this matter, numerous statements and initiatives from national research funding bodies, as well as debates on how to advance open science within the context of the European Research Area, attest to the current significance of this topic, not only for researchers, but also for industry and ultimately for societies as a whole.


The COST Domain Committees ISCHBMBS and ICT hosted a symposium to explore the benefits and challenges consequent on open access developments.

This event enabled scientific communities to meet together with research data providers/holders and academic and scientific publishers. The COST symposium took place in Vienna, Austria, on 13-14 May 2013.

The symposium featured scholars and experts from the Social Sciences and Humanities, Medical and Life Sciences as well as Physical Sciences and Engineering and ICT. Discussions took place along disciplinary lines as to how to implement open access requirements in specific disciplines with a view to exploring all relevant dimensions of the topic. Disciplinary discussions informed and supported a synthesis session focused on a comparative view of the findings and outcomes deriving from disciplinary debates at the symposium. On the basis of symposium discussions and debates, it proposed to undertake a multi-level dialogue with EU and national policy-makers and key stakeholders.

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Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 5, 2013
Modified on November 5, 2013