News archive - [Call for Papers] ILIRIA INTERNATIONAL REVIEW

ILIRIA INTERNATIONAL REVIEW is an internationally indexed scientific journal, with German ISSN (2192-7081), published by ILIRIA College (Kosovo*) in cooperation with Felix – Verlag (Germany). The subjects, which ILIRIA INTERNATIONAL REVIEW elaborates, have always been a focus of interest for a broad specter of academic-scientific community. Therefore, the journal encompasses contributions from a wide range of disciplines.

A Call for Papers is open until November 15th.

ILIRIA INTERNATIONAL REVIEW publishes original papers, which convey innovative and relevant knowledge in scientific advancement. Papers must be original and should contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a certain field of study.

The review’s objective is to publish original works, which demonstrate authenticity, topicality and relevance to a certain field of study. Submitted papers should be fully documented reports of original research. Papers, in order to be critically evaluated, must contain a significant and original observation.

Plagiarism is prohibited and if found, it shall be reported to the respective authorities.  Papers must be clear, concise and comprehensible. The author or authors are responsible for the content of papers submitted, and for any opinions expressed therein. Peer review of submitted papers will be conducted by international peer reviewers, in order to exercise quality control, whereby the review’s coordinators send the papers to two international peer-reviewers for the same given scientific area.

Source and more information: Fitore Bektashi (ILIRIA College) -


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 30, 2013
Modified on October 30, 2013