News archive - [Announcement by User] EU consultancy in Croatia: Preparation of ESF project pipeline (132480)
EUROPE Ltd has been shortlisted for the tender: "Preparation of project pipeline and support to the ESF beneficiaries - Republic of Croatia" (EuropeAid/132480/D/SER/HR). The Contracting Authority is the Croatian Employment Service. Chances to win this contract seem to be good and the company is now searching for experts to include in its team.
The duration of the contract is 20 months, part-time work. The indicative starting date is in 26 May 2014.
Here are the requested profiles for 3 Key experts. All requirements are regarded as mandatory. Joint requirements for all experts:
- University studies of at least three years duration attested by a diploma;
- Fluency in both written and spoken English;
1. Key expert 1: Team leader (TL) / ESF expert (320 working days, min. 90% in Croatia):
- Preferably 7+ but minimum 5+ years of experience in preparation and/or management of projects funded under ESF;
- Experience in managing at least 2 technical assistance projects as a team leader;
- Experience in conducting promotional campaigns;
- Experience in drafting manuals and/or handbooks related to preparation and/or implementation of ESF projects.
Key expert 2 (KE2): Grant expert (240 working days, min. 90% in Croatia):
- Preferably 7+ but minimum 5 years of experience in preparation and/or management of projects funded under ESF;
- Experience in preparation of applications for at least 3 ESF funded Grant projects;
- Experience in providing training to potential applicants of EU funded Grant scheme;
- Experience in developing training programmes.
Key expert 3 (KE3): Project-pipeline expert (195 working days, min. 70% in Croatia):
- Preferably 5+ but minimum 3+ years work experience in Managing Authority or Intermediate body for ESF;
- Experience in preparation of minimum 5 projects in the field of human resources development;
- Experience in preparation of project-pipeline for ESF.
EUROPE Ltd will also need non-key experts (NKE) for 450 working days for short-term assignments. If you are not interested or qualified for the 3 key expert (KE) position, but you would like to be included in the offer as non-key expert (eg. you are a public procurement expert), please let EUROPE Ltd know.
While the 3 key experts can only be included in one offer, the NKEs do not need to sign exclusivity statement. For the KEs, EUROPE Ltd will need one of the attached statement of availability forms signed to the submission. As you see, the work is not full-time for KE2 and KE3, but almost full time for the TL (in EU projects, one year is 220 working days).
If you are interested, please send your updated CV (mentioning the position) and current contact details. The evaluation of the candidates is CV based, so a complete CV is always welcomed. When you send your CV, please do not use any other characters in the file name, but English letters (no space, no accented character).
In case you are available and qualified, please express your interest at and EUROPE Ltd can send you the ToRs and additional information on the project
- Croatia
- General/no specific focus
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 29, 2013
Modified on October 29, 2013