News archive - COST Association is Born

Following the Resolution adopted by all the Representatives of the Governments of the 35 COST Member Countries on 6 September 2013, the ‘COST Association’ was established on 19 September 2013 with the aim of providing the legal entity for the implementation of COST activities in the near future.


The COST Association was established as an International Non-Profit Association under Belgian law (AISBL). Its membership already includes 11 COST Member Countries, and all other COST Member Countries are expected to join soon.

The COST Association will provide for the incorporation of the governing bodies and the administrative functions of COST into a single, integrated structure.

The creation of the COST Association represents a significant step in COST’s transition towards Horizon 2020 and is part of a comprehensive series of arrangements designed to allow COST to continue to perform its key role in supporting inclusive science and technology networking and cooperation at European level, thereby fostering scientific and technological excellence in the context of the next Framework Programme.

The COST Association will ensure stability and continuity in the fulfilment of COST’s mission, and more particularly will allow the management of COST’s future contract with the European Commission.

For more information on COST’s mission, governance and organisation see About COST.

For media enquiries about this item and on COST’s transition towards Horizon 2020 please contact

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • General/no specific focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 8, 2013
Modified on October 8, 2013