News archive - [Event Announcement] Living bits and things 2013

For the third year in a row, Living bits and things 2013 is pursuing its mission: providing a platform for connecting business and research professionals in the area of Internet of things (IoT) and Machine to Machine technology. Due to vast potential of the topic and the interest expressed, it has become a two day event, keeping its venue in Bled, Slovenia. Living bits and things 2013 will take place on November 12 and 13, when over 150 attendes shall discuss the latest trends, good practices, future projects and have the opportunity to network with their peers. 


Living bits and things is the key IoT and M2M event in CSEE region. It presents the latest developments in the technology, good practices and plans for the future and furthermore, it connects the research sphere with the business world. Therefore, it provides a unique networking opportunity for all IT professionals.

First day will address technology perspective and some great speakers will present their experience: Carsten Rhod Gregersen from Nabto, Jim Morrish from Machina Research, Abraham Joseph from Device Management Forum and Simeon Lisec from Telekom Slovenije are just some of them. Afternoon will take an interactive form – attendees and speakers will jointly work on three hottest topics of IoT/M2M: 

  • Smart cities: The reallity of IoT services in Small-Medium Cities,
  • M2M Telco Ecosystem: Creating value beyond connectivity,
  • Smart Factory: Challenges from the production floor to the business process.

November 13 will approach IoT/M2M questions from more business perspective. Opening with Bror Salmelin from DG CONNECT and Janko Öri from Iskratel, discussions will follow presentations on Energy efficiency, Smart business, Industry applications, Smart cities, Smart living and more. Business application of IoT/M2M brings another set of prominent speakers: Radovan Sernec from Telekom Slovenije, Miha Smolnikar and Miha Mohorčič from Jozef Stefan Institute, Andreas Rueckriegel from Digi International, Radoš Lipičar from SmartCom, Mirko Presser from Alexandra Instituttet and many more.

The complete agenda is available here.

Living bits and things 2013 will be followed by PPP4Broadband days on November 14th. The conference will present the possibilities of using PPP models in Broadband development in rural areas. Professionals from the region will have the opportunity to hear Robert Henkel from European Commission, Franc Dolenc from Post and Electronic Communications Agency of Slovenia and many more.

Living bits and things is supported by European projects: IoT forum, Internet of people, Internet of things – Architecture and European research cluster on the Internet of things.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact:

Lea Lipovšek, Head of Living bits and things 2013 Organisation Committee

T: +386 31 709 244


Linked In: 

Twitter: @LeyllaL 

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 8, 2013
Modified on October 8, 2013