News archive - [Event Review] HERMES workshop on international research collaboration in the field of transport technologies

The workshop was held on 25th -26th April 2013   Paris, France by the HERMES project, that aims to develop closer and more effective communication between researchers working in the field of transport technologies in the EU, and their counterparts around the world by facilitating the exchange of information and  developing a framework for long term collaboration. 

It turned out to be a highly successfull workshop that ran for one and a half days and produced valuable outputs and recommendations for improving international collaboration in transport research.

The workshop aimed at identifying the opportunities for closer cross border collaboration in transportation research and gave experts the opportunity to explore with counterparts the policies and measures that should be in place to enable the creation of a truly international collaborative transportation research network.  It was atteded by transport researchers, engineers and industry executives, who are actively engaged in research in the road, rail, marine or aeronautics fields and had an interest in the development of international collaborative research programmes.

Participants have had the opportunity:

•    To meet with fellow researchers from around the world to discuss research interests and views on the future of transportation research and identified commonalities in research themes.

•    To have the opportunity to express their views on any shortcomings of current international research collaboration actions.

•    To identify obstacles to the development of cross border collaborative research programmes and explore the means to remove them.

•    To assist policy makers in making the views of the research community who will engage in collaborative research known, and to help shape future policies for a truly international collaboration in transportation research.


Among the others, speakers a the event have been : Mr Alessandro Damiani (Head of Unit, European Commission DG RTD), Mr Stephen Godwin (Director, Studies and Special Programs of the TRB) and Dr George Kotsikos (Newrail, Newcastle University, HERMES project coordinator).

All presentations given at the workshop are now available for download:

Presentations at first day

- Presentations at second day 



Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 4, 2013
Modified on October 4, 2013