News archive - [Call for Papers] 2014 Foresight Journal Special Issue on Futures of Research and Innovation

How will research be conducted and organised in the future knowledge society? How will scientists and other stakeholders be affected by the upcoming changes in science, technology and innovation? What kinds of opportunities do the changes open for them? What will these transformations imply for the European Research Area? 

During the few past decades major changes include e.g. the blurring of boundaries between external drivers of science and internal dynamics in the scientific fields, the re-organisation of universities, their autonomy and novel forms of monitoring university performance, as well as emphasis given to the role of users, citizens and competitors in innovation, giving rise to concepts such as open innovation, open science, collective experimentation, or crowd sourcing. These changes have been supported in recent years both by developments within STI and by a changing socio-political context.

It is likely that these developments will lead to major changes in our STI systems. While the academic community and practitioners of STI have debated about these issues for a while, there is still a lack of systematic exploration of emerging patterns and constellations of doing and organising research and innovation in the future knowledge society. It is, however, essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the whole range of possible scenarios in the fields of research, technology and innovation to create awareness of the multiple future options in regard to knowledge production and innovation, as well as of the opportunities and risks associated to them. In the end, such understanding is essential for informed decision-making on the institutional and policy framework within which future knowledge production shall take place.
These are some of the questions, which arise when observing the changing landscape of research and innovation.  

For the Foresight journal’s Special Issue on the theme “Futures of Research and Innovation”, Emerald Insight invite papers that look at these developments in research and innovation system including both the public and private facets of the system as well as institutional and behavioural perspectives. In addition to the exploration of possible futures, the theme of the Special Issue also calls for considerations for robust policies and new strategies for research and innovation.

Foresight provides a much-needed forum for sound thinking about the future and focuses on themes and issues which demand a strategic and long-term view. It draws upon the established tools, techniques and methodologies of futures studies (e.g. scenario planning, Delphi, environmental scanning etc) as well as those of other social science disciplines, and is informed by systems thinking and theories of post-modernism and complexity.


The Special issue will include a set of critical papers, essays, and book reviews on the specified theme. A pre-application process towards full submissions will be undertaken (i.e. submission of abstracts for approval) for efficiency.
Possible topics for essays and papers include but are not limited to:
- Development of institutional basis of research and innovation
- Epistemic changes in the research and innovation activity
- Change of research practices
- Change of researchers’ careers
- Stakeholder views on future STI
- Policy challenges and options for STI policy in the future

Book Reviews:

A few original reviews of books will be considered for inclusion in the Special Issue. The books reviewed must be salient to the main theme, and the reviews must provide useful insights. Kindly contact the guest editor if in doubt on the appropriateness of the book to be reviewed. 

Important Dates:

Submission of Abstracts   07.10.2013
Notification of successful authors  21.10.2013
Final date for submission of manuscripts   31.1.2014
Review, comments & notifications to authors  15.3.2014
Final papers due   30.4.2014

Instructions for submissions:

Abstracts: Abstracts should be prepared using the following format and submitted to 
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION:  2014 Foresight Journal Special Issue on Futures of Research and Innovation
Title: Title of proposed paper
Type  Article  Essay   Book review
Author(s): Full names, titles, and primary institutional affiliation (if any) of all authors. Lead author first in bold.
Address: Contact details for lead author
Country: Lead author’s first in bold
Telephone: Include country code
Fax: Include country code
Mobile: Include country code
E-mail: Include alternate email if necessary
Abstract: Not more than 300 words please

 Abstracts should be submitted directly to the guest editors Matthias Weber (, Lorenz Erdmann (, Effie Amanatidou (, and Mika Nieminen (

Topic / Keywords:
Select keywords carefully, making sure that they match the theme of the Journal issue
Guidance on preparation of abstracts is available at


Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Send one copy of your submission in the form of an MS Word-compatible file attached to an e-mail. The papers should be emailed to the guest editor. The paper submission should also include an updated structured abstract following journal guidelines ( 

As a guide, articles should be 5,000 – 7,000 words, and book reviews approximately 1,000 words. A title of not more than eight words should be provided. A brief autobiographical note should be supplied including full name, affiliation, e-mail address and full international contact details. A general guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available at the journal’s website:
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
Only upon acceptance, authors will be asked to submit other required documentation and transfer the article to Manuscript Central, Emerald's online submission and peer review system.
A selection of papers that are not published in the Special Issue may be considered for other publication with the notification and approval of the respective authors.

Submissions to:

Guest Editor: 2014 Foresight Journal Special Issue on Futures of Research and Innovation
About the Journal:
Edited by Dr. Ozcan Saritas, Foresight is an international, peer-reviewed online journal concerned with the study of the future. Foresight is considered essential reading for those who need to keep abreast of research and current thinking about the future and for those making the future. The journal has a lively and contemporary feel.
Foresight is the only futures studies journal which seeks to cater for the needs of academics, practitioners and policy makers alike by striking a balance between peer-reviewed articles and topical commentaries.
For more information please see the journal website at:
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 3, 2013
Modified on October 3, 2013