News archive - Public consultation on the Green Action Plan for SMEs

The European Commission is asking all relevant stakeholders active in green products and service activities to contribute to their upcoming policies under the proposed Green Action Plan for SMEs. 

The public consultation for the action plan seeks both citizens and organisations, including public and private entities that support SMEs for policy discussions on the fields of entrepreneurship, environment and resource efficiency. The topic of resource efficiency will cover energy, water, natural resources, materials, minimization of waste, the selling of scrap materials and recycling.  

Objectively, the Commission wishes to develop the most efficient policy for the marketing of international green products and services within Europe.

Lasting from 20 September 2013 to 12 December 2013, the views taken from stakeholders will complement the Flash Eurobarometer 342 on “SMEs, resource efficiency and green markets” in the creation of its Green Action Plan for SMEs. To contribute to the public consultation, you can submit your answers to the online questionnaire before 12/12/2013. The questionnaire, which is largely composed of multiple choice questions, will take around 30 minutes to complete.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 2, 2013
Modified on October 2, 2013