News archive - [Event Announcement] Balkan Venture Forum

After the great success of the Balkan Venture Forum (BkVF) in Sofia on May 21 -22, 2013, VIBE – the ‘Venture Initiative for Balkan Europe’ in collaboration with ‘Balkan Unlimited’ announces the fourth Balkan Venture Forum to take place in Tirana, Albania, on November 14 -15, 2013.

The Balkan Venture Forum, a leading regional investment and innovation forum brings together the relevant key actors of the region, Europe and beyond, to enable successful match-making between innovative business ideas with investors, support agencies and policy makers. Participants will include start-up companies, established SMEs, new and experienced entrepreneurs, support agencies, innovation experts, policy makers and a wide array of high-level international venture capitalists and investors.

The diverse and rich programme of the event will also include a pitching competition where start-ups can present their venture in front of expert panelists, competing for investors’ interest as well as exclusive prizes and benefits. The event will have the full support of the thriving Albanian entrepreneurial community.

The Balkan Venture Forum is one of the main objectives of the SEE Programme project VIBE (Venture Initiative in Balkan Europe) and is being co-financed by the European Union.

More information also on the application procedure can be found on the forum website. The application deadline is October 15, 2013.

Further details can be also obtained from: or


Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 1, 2013
Modified on October 1, 2013