News archive - Registration is open for the 3rd Danube Financing Dialogue

In the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the 3rd Danube Financing Dialogue is currently being organised. The event will take place between the 30th and 31st of October at the premises of the Romanian National Bank in Bucharest. 
The Danube Financing Dialogue is a unique opportunity for private and public project developers and financiers to discuss vital issues related to the financing of promising projects in the Danube Region.

Who will attend?

·      Representatives of financial institutions and funding agencies offering, inter alia loans, grants and guarantees

·      Project developers from the Danube Region

·      Public actors involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)

Match-making possibilities

1.    Face-to-face meetings: Participants can schedule meetings with the partner of interest

2.    Match-making session: Small group discussions on project financing issues

3.    Poster session: Project presentation in the so-called market place




Further Information:

Draft Agenda_3rd DFD_v6.pdf

Information letter DFD_Bucharest.pdf

Chair                Kurt Puchinger | EUSDR Priority Area 10 Coordinator | City of Vienna

On behalf of      The European Commission | Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policies

Organiser          Metis GmbH |

With the support of
The National Bank of Romania (NBR)
E.L.E.C. (European League for Economic Cooperation) and
COMPRESS Romania  

Information on the previous Danube Financing Dialogues:

1st Danube Financing Dialogue
2nd Danube Financing Dialogue

Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 18, 2013
Modified on September 18, 2013