News archive - [Call for additional project partners] Expansion of the infrastructure capacity of the FI-PPP

The XIFI project paves the way for the establishment of large-scale trials, dedicated to Future Internet services and applications, through the creation of  a  pan-European federation of  infrastructures. In April 2013, XIFI started to set up a core federation of five nodes in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain, assisted by investments in European infrastructure such as GÉANT for their interconnection.

During 2014, more infrastructures will be added to the federation, to increase the XIFI offer to fulfil the needs of running FI-PPP projects and to enlarge the available capacity to be able to support also FI-PPP Phase 3 projects. This is being achieved through the "Expansion of the infrastructure capacity of the FI-PPP" competitive call launched by the XIFI consortium on the 9th September 2013.


Proposals for additional infrastructure nodes have to demonstrate added value for the XIFI project which operates a federation of infrastructure nodes for the FI-PPP. Furthermore the proposer must commit to integrate its infrastructure node into the XIFI federation through the deployment of FI-WARE Data Center Resource Manager Generic Enablers and related XIFI extensions.

Through this Open Call, which will close on the 27th November 2013, at 17:00 Brussels local time, the XIFI project aims to enlarge the scale and scope of the current infrastructure federation for supporting the deployment of FI-PPP large-scale early trials, experimentation by SMEs and other potential developers that will be involved in the FI-PPP programme and beyond.

A proposal must be submitted by an organisation that is a single legal entity, the maximum budget available for new beneficiaries is 2,170,000 €  and the maximum EC contribution for individual proposals is set to 200,000 € per new infrastructure node.
The proposals will be evaluated by independent experts, following the standard FP7-ICT evaluation criteria of S/T excellence, implementation, and impact.
More detailed information about the XIFI project and the XIFI competitive call, including technical and eligibility requirements as well as evaluation criteria, can be found at the original source:

Geographical focus
  • FP7
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 17, 2013
Modified on September 17, 2013