News archive - European Projects Awards IPA 2013

The EPA – European Projects Association has launched the “European Projects Awards IPA 2013” for IPA best projects and best actors in regional development in the framework of the campaign “What Are You Doing ..For a Better Society?” launched in partnership with European Economic and Social Committee in 2012.

The aim of the Awards is to reward ongoing projects and finished projects submitted for EU funding through Instrument for Pre – Accession (IPA) 2007 – 2013 that includes the following five components: 

  • Support for transition and institution-building
  • Cross-border cooperation
  • Regional Development
  • Human Resources Development
  • Rural Development

All project managers are invited to participate with their ongoing or finished projects to enhance the visibility of their organisation and to promote the activities and the results of their projects. The participation to the European Projects Awards 2013 will also increase the chances of establishing strong and beneficial partnerships with experts all over Europe.

The competition for the European Projects Awards takes place on MyEuropa (, a growing community of EU project managers and experts which counts more than 4400 members and over 300 showcased projects.

The Awarding Ceremony will take place the 7th of October 2013 at the European Parliament in Brussels, during the Annual Conference 2013 organised by European Projects Association.

How to participate?

Register for free on My Europa platform (

Submit the details about your ongoing or concluded project in the Projects Showroom section of My Europa. All the eligibility criteria, prizes, and selection procedures are available at this link:

The deadline for the registration of your project for the European Projects Awards 2013 is  27th September 2013 at 04:00 pm.

The winners will receive different prizes as well as the Official EPA Award. These projects will be further disseminated as best practices also during EPA Side Events.

EPA Side Events

European Projects Association, in collaboration with European Academy for Education and Social Research, is organising two side events dedicated  to the EU Funds know-how: 

  • Study Visit - EU Institutions & Open Days 2013 + Lobbying for EU Projects master class (08 - 09  October 2013, Brussels)
  • European Projects Development training course (10 - 11 October 2013, Brussels)

For more information on the EPA Side Events, please contact Alessandro Viola (, Education Coordinator of European Projects Association. 

For additional information on Awards do not hesitate to check the European Projects Awards IPA 2013 webpage or contact:

Katarina Sipic

Communication Officer
+32 495874966
European Projects Association asbl
Square Marie-Louise 2
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0) 496 38 39 51

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 10, 2013
Modified on September 10, 2013