News archive - Upcoming Information Days on FI-PPP Call 3
The Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) will soon enter its third phase. Call 3 is open until 10 December 2013 and two large information sessions and match-making events are being organised.
Information days in Brussels, 3-4 October 2013
The European Commission is organising Information Days on Call 3 of the FI-PPP on 3-4 October 2013. The overall planning of the Information Days follows the two Objectives that are part of the Call:
- October 3: Objective 1.8 “Expansion of Use Cases”
- October 4: Objective 1.9 “Technology Foundation Extension and Usage”
Objective 1.8 “Expansion of Use Cases” provides participants with funding opportunities (100 million euros budget for up to 20 projects) to distribute within networks of SMEs and Web entrepreneurs. Typical participants would be e.g. regional development agencies, SME associations, accelerators, crowdfunding platforms, business angels, venture capitalists and company investment funds. At least 80% of the funding should be forwarded to innovative players to develop new applications and services on top of innovative technologies.
Objective 1.9 “Technology Foundation Extension and Usage” consists of two parts, asking for two different types of proposals. The first part is related to the technology foundation of the whole FI-PPP. The second part of Objective 1.9 provides for support across all projects selected under Objective 1.8 above. Please refer to the Work Programme for details.
Participants will have the opportunity to present their proposal ideas at the Information Days.
For more information, see
For registration, please follow
Information days in Poznan, 17-18 September 2013
The Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education are organising a two-day brokerage and match-making event around the FI-PPP.
The first day will concentrate on European, national, and regional Future Internet initiatives; projects and business stakeholders in building innovative and inclusive Future Internet ecosystems; FI-PPP. The second day will focus on networking and match-making between relevant partners, especially with regard to the FI-PPP Call 3.
Participants will have the opportunity to present their proposal ideas at the Information Days.
For more information, see
For registration, please follow
Looking for partners?
Anyone interested in the call and looking for partners can submit project ideas or potential partner descriptions. Project Ideas are submitted by prospective proposal coordinators, who typically detail the proposed project and request certain competencies and roles from other partners. Potential Partner descriptions are submitted by organisations, who typically detail their competencies that they offer to prospective proposal coordinators.
For more information, see
For more information about past events related to call 3, please refer to
- General/no specific focus
- Engineering and Technology
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 6, 2013
Modified on September 6, 2013