News archive - Post-doctoral positions in Estonia

The Institute of Governance at Tallinn University can support applications in the frame of several international projects. Details and contacts of the institute staff is at
The information regarding post-doctoral funding is finally available in English on ETAG home page here: - private

The terms and conditions as well as the guidelines for evaluating the applications are also available there.

To sum up:

The call for post-doctoral research applications will be open from 1 September to 17:00  on 30 September 2013.

The post-doctoral research grant is a research grant that the Estonian Research Council (ETAg) will award to an applicant as a result of an open international competition for the purpose of implementation of a particular research project.

* The grant includes remuneration of the post-doctoral fellow (27,000 euro annually incl. taxes payable thereon),
* research-related costs (for an experimental research project – 6,000 euro, for a non-experimental research project – 3,200 euro).
* The post-doctoral fellows can request a non-recurrent relocation support of EUR 6,500. The evaluation committee will assess the justification for that request.

The duration of a post-doctoral research grant may be from 12 to 24 months. In case of incoming fellows preference is given to applicants who have received Estonian state support for doing their PhD degree abroad. All together up to 9 grants will be available for the year 2014.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 5, 2013
Modified on September 5, 2013