News archive - [Event Announcement] Creative Industries Summer Sessions Novi Sad - CRINSS

CRINSS is unique international creative and business event regarded as the regional most cutting-edge and progressive event. CRINSS is high visibility platform for decision makers and leaders in innovative, creative and cultural sectors to present industry and highlight the opportunities and challenges. CRINSS is also awesome opportunity to network, participate, learn and connect to local and international leading partners, creative directors and policy makers.

 The topic of the conference will be ''Funding and Development of Creative Industries'', with particular insight into the socio-economic development context, support initiatives and funding opportunities for enterpreneurs is creative industries.

Part of the conference programme will be the finale of the ''Creative Business Cup Serbia'', an open call for the best business plan in creative industries.

The conference will also host ''Creative Serbia 2013''- a corporate review of creative industries' benchmark cases; the international character of the event will be marked by the annual meeting of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Creative Industries Sector Group representatives, from 20 EU countries that will share their professional experiences through direct participation in the conference and the B2B meetings.

Agenda of the Meeting: Preliminary_Agenda_CRINSS_2013.pdf

Event Location Details:

Location Name: Novi Sad Cultural Center
Address: Katolička porta 5
City: Novi Sad
Country: Serbia
Telephone: + 381 21 528 972
Location Map Attachment:  

Contact Details at Event Location:
Contact Name: Mladen Radisic, Tatjana Kalezic
Contact Telephone: +381641447048, +381637064596


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 4, 2013
Modified on September 4, 2013