News archive - [Announcement by users] - Training on EU decision-making and negotiation techniques
The Ecorys Academy is one of the registered organisations in WBC-INCO.NET, and it is pleased to announce the development of a four day training programme covering both the institutional aspects of the EU and techniques for effective national interest-representation. The first pilot training was sucessfully offered on behalf of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna at the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) and it is now available for stakeholders in the WBC who might be interested.
The training is highly interactive as it combines lectured sessions with practical exercises, simulations and role plays. The training targets junior and medior level civil servants from (potential) candidate EU Member States that all share the ambition to become full members of the EU in the (nearby) future. They need a sound knowledge of the working and competences of EU institutions as well as the individual skills and insights to work effectively with the EU.
This training will provide participants with:
Sound up-to-date knowledge of the EU institutions,their competencies and decision-making procedures;
Essential skills for effective interesting representation at EU level;
Clever insights on how to engage optimally in the EU accession process.
For more information, please refer to the brochure attached or contact:
Rob Boudewijn, Director Ecorys Academy
T +31 (0)10 453 85 05 | E
Ecorys is a leading European knowledge-based firm, specialised in economic, social and environmental development at local, regional, national and European level. This wealth of practical insight is complemented by a portfolio of EU projects (project development, project assessment, project implementation) and EU programmes (development, implementation and evaluation). Ecorys Academy is the central brand for the training
- General/no specific focus
- Western Balkans
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 21, 2013
Modified on August 21, 2013