News archive - [Call for Papers] Synthesis - Journal of Humanities and Social Affairs

Synthesis is a peer-reviewed journal that gathers mostly young scholars and researchers who excel within their respective disciplines and who are ready to reflect contemporary trends in society. The journal's mission is to serve as a framework for an interdisciplinary dialogue between different fields of humanities and social sciences, and as a platform for richer dialogue between Serbian and international academic communities. The main topic for the upcoming 2013 issue is 'Yugoslavia'. By now it has become the journal's tradition to publish a number of articles that are related to a certain broad topic (previously, such topics included 'Crisis', 'Revolution', 'Identity' and 'Horizons of research'). However, submissions that fall outside the issue's main topic are accepted.

Potential authors are invited to interpret the main topic broadly and to submit articles discussing different historical, political, economic, sociological, cultural and artistic aspects of Yugoslavia's life and legacy. In particular contributions that seek to overcome the usual practice of treating Yugoslavia as a special case are encouraged. Instead Yugoslav experience can be integrated into broader temporal or spatial comparisons, or into broader theoretical frameworks. The journal is published in Serbian and English and, as of 2013, it is a joint publication of the Centre for Humanities "Synthesis" and the Centre for interdisciplinary studies of the Balkans at the Faculty of Political Science, Universtity of Belgrade. Synthesis is categorised as an interdisciplinary scientific journal by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (M53). The journal is archived in CEEOL ( and the past issues are also freely available from the website ( Submissions should conform to the notes and bibliography version of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition). Manuscripts should be sent to and they should include abstract, summary, keywords and the author's short biography (not exceeding 500 characters with spaces). Submission deadline is the 31st of October 2013.

More information at:

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 21, 2013
Modified on August 21, 2013