News archive - Podcast on Eurostars made by the Entreprise Europe Network

European Enterprise Network, EEN, Scotland released a new podcast on Eurostars, the only Europe-wide funding programme to be specifically designed for innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The podcast, allegedly recorded on a train heading toward Falkirk, presents the benefits of the Eurostars programme compared to other funding schemes.

Projects funded through the Eurostars programme  must involve at least two participants, which must be legal entities from two different Eurostars participating countries. The main participant must be a research-performing SME from one of these countries. Eurostars projects are market-driven and must have a maximum duration of three years. Within two years of project completion, the product of the research should be ready for launch onto the market. The exception to this rule applies to biomedical or medical projects, where clinical trials must be started within two years of project completion.

EEN is associated with the EUREKA network through a memorandum of understanding and provides services to Small and Medium-sized Entreprises in over 50 countries through a network of nearly 600 organisations. This provides SME's with greater opportunities to discover funding programs, sources and licensing for new technologies and access to new markets. EEN has been helping to launch several research projects within the frame of the Eurostars programme managed by EUREKA.

You can listen to the podcast  on the website of EEN Scotland.

United Kingdom
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Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 5, 2013
Modified on August 5, 2013