News archive - [Call for Applications] - Ohrid Summer School 2013

The Institute for Socio-Cultural Anthropology organises the following Summer School in Ohrid, on 24-30 August 2013:

Challenges of contemporary diverse societies: How to deal with multicultural diversity and to provide effective participation in public life of national minorities?

 The end of the Cold War, collapsing of communism and establishing market economy in Eastern Europe and Balkans, civil wars in ex-Yugoslavia, adopting of Maastricht document in EU, implementing of so called “Copenhagen criteria” in societies, 9/11/2001 tragedy, appearing of “islamophobia”, incredible increasing on number of migrants and asylum- seekers in EU countries, USA, Canada and Australia etc., made a lot of structural changes in social and political aspects of the states.

Issues of national minorities, religious diversity, reinforcing of religious factor in consolidation of nation-state, ethnic cleansing, hate speeches and crimes based on ethnic/religious differences and a lot similar phenomenon related with plural societies and inter-cultural (non)tolerance are giving new challenges on researching, analyzing and teaching in realm of cultural diversity.

Today almost is non-sense to speak about ethnic, religious and linguistic homogeneous societies in the World.  Issue of cultural diversity recognition as well as its managing, also intercultural communication etc., have become more and more prominent in the public life, but until relatively recently, little had been researched and written on these issues, and even now, many states, institution, organizational managers etc., have no strategy or plan how to deal with managing of racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural diversity, with communication problems, even though most living places and workplaces are inhabited and staffed by people of diverse cultures and identities.

Lecturers and lectures:

1.      Prof. Ivana Jelic, PH.D., Podgorica, University of Montenegro,  Member of the Advisory Committee of the Framework Convection for Protection of National Minorities by the Council of Europe.

“European legal and institutional framework of minority rights protection”

2.      Prof. Jovan Ananiev Ph.D., Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, Dean of the Faculty of Law in Stip, Member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance by the Council of Europe

“Challenges in human and minority rights protection in multicultural societies”

3.      Prof. Rubin Zemon Ph.D., Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, expert of Council of Europe and OSCE/ODIHR for national minorities

“Contemporary identities, ethnicity, diverse societies, multiculturalism and inter-cultural communications”


“Media and diverse societies” (on cooperation with Marina Tuneva M.A.- lecturer in a School for Journalism and Public Relations- Skopje )

Presentations are multi-disciplinary combining law, political sciences, anthropology and sociology.


Participants should be postgraduate students (preferably MA, PhD student or young researchers) interested in exploring the issues of Multiculturalism, Inter-cultural communications, Minority Rights Protection, Political studies, Gender studies, Cultural Studies, Humanities, Media and related Studies.

Participants from all countries are eligible to participate.

All applicants should send the following documents:   

-    Application form including paper abstract (appr. 300 words max.)

Tuition Fee: 300 EUR

Included: accommodation, meals and cultural events.


August 12nd / selection results by August 15th / payment due August 20th


7 days


a) Intensive lectures and master classes

 b) Afternoon seminars with the lecturers; all participants are required to prepare a paper and will have the opportunity to present and discuss it with all the other participants and receive direct input from the lecturers.


Summer school will be hosted in hotel Klimetica, Ohrid, which is located near to the  beautiful coast the Ohrid Lake, and in a neighborhood are beaches available.


Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 29, 2013
Modified on July 29, 2013