News archive - Calls for projects currently open for EUREKA Clusters
Together with EUREKA Individual projects and Eurostars projects, Clusters are one of EUREKA’s three funding instruments.
Each Cluster covers one specific industry sector, including water technology, software, telecommunications, energy, nano-electronics and integrated electronics. Clusters are public-private partnerships uniting major companies and national innovation agencies to complete major pre-competitive technological research projects, setting standards for entire markets such as mobile payment, encryption and security software, or data transmission over the Internet.
Clusters projects are initiated through calls for funding application, where SMEs and universities are invited to join projects putting them directly in touch with large companies and multinationals. For SMEs taking part in Cluster projects, large companies represent potential clients or partners with manufacturing capabilities.
There is always at least one cluster call open during the year. Here are a few dates and information on currently open calls:
- ACQUEAU - EUREKA's water tech Cluster's. The deadline to submit a full project proposal is July 31, 2013.
- CATRENE - CATRENE is the EUREKA Cluster for micro and nano-electronics, a key sector of the European industry! The next deadline to submit a full project proposal is September 12, 2013.
- EUROGIA2020 - This cluster finances projects in clean energy. The next deadline for the submission of a project application is September 13, 2013.
- EURIPIDES² - EURIPIDES specialises in smart systems, which are electronic systems integrated in objects, vehicles, textiles or even human bodies. The next deadline for the submission of a project outline is September 24, 2013.
- CELTIC Plus - This cluster specialises in telecommunications, including smartphone and other Internet-based services. You can apply for funding from CELTIC Plus until October 14, 2013.
- ITEA 2 - ITEA 2 is the European software industry's spearhead. The latest call for project funding opened on March 19, and potential project participants will be able to send their full project outlines until October 30, 2013.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Serbia
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 13, 2013
Modified on July 25, 2013