News archive - Don't miss the chance to submit a funding application for ACQUEAU before July 31

The next deadline for the submission of projects for ACQUEAU is July 31, 2013. ACQUEAUi s the EUREKA Cluster for water technologies, allowing small companies and universities across Europe to collaborate in research projects with major companies in the sector. he call is relevant for Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.

Potential applicants for funding through ACQUEAU will need to submit a project outline (PO) by July 31. The project outline is a document requesting work plans, preliminary budget and contact information from organisations partnering in a potential project. Following the submission of the project outline a full project proposal, or FPP, requesting more in-depth information on the project’s set-up will need to be submitted by August 31. The PO submission template and letter of intent are available on the ACQUEAU call page.


Basic conditions to participate in an ACQUEAU project are quite simple as there are only three requirements. First requirement is for the project idea to be in the context of the water cycle, to check the eligibility of the technology you want to develop please refer to the ACQUEAU blue book. The proposed project must have at least two partners, which can be any type of organization, and the partners have to be from at least two different countries taking part in ACQUEAU. Lastly, the consortium should be well balanced, meaning that no participant or country will be required to invest more than 70% of the total project costs. More precisions can be found in the ACQUEAU handbook.

It is important to contact your EUREKA National Project Coordinator and the ACQUEAU office before submitting a project outline, and it is also recommended to read both the ACQUEAU blue book and handbook before contacting them. The next PO submission deadline will be in November, the exact date will be communicated in the coming months.

For more information, please contact Capucine Beunes-Devauze, Head of ACQUEAU Secretariat.

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 16, 2013
Modified on July 25, 2013