News archive - [Event Announcement] Exploitation Training for participants in EU Transport projects (first training)

The EU project TIPS will organize two training academies for participants in EU transport projects. The events aim to support participants to better exploit their results and transform them into products and services for the markets.

  • Prague (Czech Republic) on 25-28 November 2013
  • Lyon (France) on 3-6 February 2014


During the training academies participants will be trained by experts on exploitation strategies, standardization, intellectual property rights management, public or private funding for market exploitation, business partnership support, opportunities in Horizon 2020…

It will also be an opportunity to get individual support to draft a business plan.

TIPS project is a supporting action funded by the EC aiming at enhancing the capacity of projects in the field of transport to transform research results into products and services by delivering individual support, training and information on exploitation methodology.

More information will be available soon at: ; Facebook TIPS: Transport R&D for Innovation

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 25, 2013
Modified on July 25, 2013