News archive - Getting ready for Horizon 2020 – Proposal Writing

The new Framework Program HORIZON 2020 is approaching fast and, to know how to successfully apply for EU funding, a training seminar is organised i Gdansk (Poland) on 26.09.2013, with the aim to present to the participants:

  • Possibilities of funding acquisition in the research and innovation programmes of the Commission;
  • Structure of proposals, their sections and important components based on practical examples;
  • Process of proposals evaluation, example comments from ESRs, conclusions from successful and failed proposals;
  • Outlook into the Horizon 2020, focusing on its modifications with respect to the 7th Framework Program, approach to SMEs and innovation, financing regime and impacts expected by the Commission

For further information and the training agenda, please click here and here.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 22, 2013
Modified on July 22, 2013