News archive - [Call for Applications] - East Central Europe Region Studies (ECERS) Master Programme

East Central Europe Region Studies (ECERS) Master Programme offers a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the puzzling, controversially and simultaneously fascinating ongoing, recent and past developments inside a region nicknamed a century ago the ”powder keg of Europe”.

The result of cooperation between four European universities (University of Helsinki and University of Oulu – Finland, University of Tartu – Estonia and Izmir University of Economics – Turkey), the ECERS takes a broad and fresh perspective of the political, IR, economic, social, cultural and environmental regional developments.
The curriculum focuses on the dynamic regional changes offering insightful and up-to-date theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge. The programme will foster creativity and innovation spirit as well as the capacity to conduct original research and write high-level analytical essays and reports with respect to East-Central European studies.

The skills acquired during the MA programme will help successfully competing for careers such as foreign relations referents & experts, assistant professors, business personnel specialized on Central and Eastern Europe, international officials, government officials, civil servants, diplomats, consultants and policy analysts, employees in cultural institutions, magazines or newspapers reporters, European and Euro-Atlantic institutions officials, UN officials, euro-advisers, NGOs leaders and consultants, teachers in secondary education.

Information about admission

Duration: 2 academic years (120 ECTS)
Language of tuition: English
For curriculum and application timeline, please visit:


Number of available places: 25
Number of state budgeted places (scholarships): 5
Number of fee-paying places: 20
Tuition fees for fee-paying places:
- discounted fee for Citizens from the European Union member States, the States belonging to the European Economic Space and to the Swiss Confederation who pay the whole sum before 15 November 2013: 2,300 LEI a year (around 518 EUROs) - please check with the Romanian National Bank currency exchange rate at
- regular fee for Citizens from the European Union member States, the States belonging to the European Economic Space and to the Swiss Confederation: 2,500 LEI a year (around 563 EUROs) - please check with the Romanian National Bank currency exchange rate at
- fee for foreign citizens from EU third countries for studies and schooling:
Note: fee for foreign citizens from EU third countries for studies and schooling for Master Programme East Central Europe Region Studies is 220 EUROS per month (x 9 months) - a total of 1980 EUROS per academic year
Registration fee for Citizens from Romania, the European Union member States, the States belonging to the European Economic Space and to the Swiss Confederation: 150 Romanian lei (RON)
Registration fee for foreign citizens from EU third countries: 50 EUROs
Payable at accounts:
- IBAN for Romanian Lei: RO49TREZ271504601X000430, Trezoreria Targoviste, CIF - cod de inregistrare fiscala / VAT identification number: 4279685
- IBAN for Euros:  RO22RNCB0128045419210001 - Banca Comerciala Romana / Romanian Commercial Bank, Targoviste, SWIFT: RNCB ROBU
- IBAN for $: RO38RNCB0128045419210004  - Banca Comerciala Romana / Romanian Commercial Bank, Targoviste, SWIFT: RNCB ROBU

Admission timeline:
8 July - 19 September 2013: Registration of candidates / submitting the applications;
20 September 2013: Eliminatory language tests.
Note: The persons that come from countries where the official language is the language in which the courses are run and the persons who have an internationally acknowledged language certificate will be exempt from this test.
21 September 2013: Interviews are carried out; for foreign candidates who are unable to attend the exam essays are to be e-mailed at admission.valahia (at)
22 September 2013: the publishing of admission results on the webpages of Valahia University of Targoviste and the Department of Foreign Language Studies
23 to 27 September 2013: the signing of study contracts for successful candidates
28 to 29 September 2013: the signing of budget addendum (if applicable)
30 September 2013:  the publication of final results

How to register:
The application documents shall be sent before deadline as scanned copies to e-mail: admission.valahia (at)
Please send the original application and all application transcripts and documents before deadline at: Valahia University of Targoviste, Office of International Relations, Carol I Ave., No. 2, Targoviste 130024, Romania.
Registrations can be made also at the Faculty of Humanities of Valahia University, Targoviste, Lt. Stancu Ion St., no. 35,  amphitheatre J 2

Methodology of admission:
Please check at:
Application form
Please download at:
Interview themes and bibliography (accounting for 20% of the final exam mark)
The admission mark is the average of:
- Bachelor's degree final exam overall average mark (accounting for 80% of the final exam mark)
- Professional interview (accounting for 20% of the final exam mark) - see below interview themes and references
The criteria for tiebreaker of candidates:
   a. BA paper defence result;
   b. General average of Bachelor's degree studies;
Interview themes and references: Please download at:

Master’s Degree Programme in East Central Europe Region Studies
Faculty of Humanities & Departament of Foreign Language Studies
Lt. Stancu Ion, no. 35
130105 Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania


Geographical focus
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 18, 2013
Modified on July 18, 2013