News archive - European project proposal development training 2020 (EPP) – 17. August, Belgrade

During this one-day training, experienced practitioners will focus on participants’ concrete project initiatives for currently open calls or new EU Funding Programmes. The training objective is to advance participants competencies and skills for project development and proposal writing satisfying the highest quality assurance criteria for innovation, research, entrepreneurial or SME projects for Horizon 2020, Cosme, CIP Eco Innovation, IPA, etc

Program description

The mission of the EPP program is to provide immediate and effective support to organizations and project leaders at the forefront of reforms to use maximally and most effectively available EU financial support. Our aim is to promote advanced BSN Training Academy methodology for project development. EPP training is tailored for the practical needs of the project leaders, incorporating their real-life objectives and relevant partnerships, to generate high impact projects, mobilizing necessary resources and ensuring high quality of the results. 

During one-day training, experienced practitioners and top experts will focus on participants’ concrete project initiatives for open and forecasted EU calls and all available EU instruments; to develop their competencies and skills for initiating projects satisfying the highest quality assurance criteria and to understand the driving forces for successful project outcomes. 

Focusing on available funding opportunities, the EPP course examines key variables for success at each stage of project proposal development, refining necessary communication and fundraising skills and providing invaluable insights into the best practices. The experiential learning environment encourages active interplay between conceptual frameworks and their implementation in complex real-world settings. 

Our training has already been highly evaluated by more than 4000 participants from respectable institutions and successful companies in the region including: Hewlett Packard, Société Générale Bank, KBC Bank, VIP Mobile, Tigar, 3M, Siemens; numerous small companies and entrepreneurs, NGOs, Ministry departments, City councils, Municipalities, etc...

Address: 1300 Kaplara br. 2. Belgrade

Participation fee is 75 euro. For students under 30 years of age, there is a special discount price of 20 euro. 
Online E-Training is avalable at request for 55 EUR. As well as in-house project design session;

Registration: You may register by sending your info (Name, Last Name, Phone number, and Organization) to


For all further information please contact us at +381 69 822 09 14,  from 12h to 17h or take a look at


09.45 – 10.00 Registration

10.00 – 11.30 Introduction and challenges ahead

Capture and prioritize participants’ expectations and experiences and key challenges as they struggle to reform their regions or develop project proposals; introduction into project environment and stakeholder analyses; Identification of key documents. Workshop Identify calls for proposals 

12.15 – 13.00 Creation of the background document - Workshop 

Using the project proposal template and project assessment criteria as structure for your project design you will master EC quality frame methodology;

13.00 – 13.40 Project Environment  

Workshop Download and copy relevant policies, work programs, national strategies and other relevant data or non-state initiatives important for your project idea;

13.40 – 14.20 Work snack - Project initiative diagnostics  

Workshop - Identification of frameworks of power and influence of different interest groups 

14.20 – 15.20 Key steps of project proposal development and Effective partners search

The phases of project proposal development from idea to assessment; stakeholder analysis, problem analysis, objective analysis, strategy analysis and other advanced tools; expectations of the European Commission Effective methodologies for partner search; Real criteria for success;

15.20 – 16.20 Excellence in project proposal writing

Philosophy of success in proposal writing, learning how to be competitive; Giving the evidence; Making your proposal easy to read, and impressing the evaluators

16.20 – 16.40 Work snack Creating project proposal concept;

Understanding key success criteria for high quality, impact and sustainability;

16.40 – 17.30 Project proposal evaluation 

Workshop - Principle of assessment-oriented project proposal writing, how to educate the evaluator and to anticipate the requirements for 
successful project evaluation.

17.30 – 18.00 Questions & Answers 


Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Bosko Nektarijevic on July 12, 2013
Modified on July 26, 2013