News archive - National Library of Serbia - KoBSON is one of the winners of EIFL OA advocacy call for proposals

Following the successes of 2011-2012 grant competitions (see EIFL-OA case studies), the EIFL-OA programme invited new proposals for national or institutional open access (OA) advocacy campaigns to reach out to research communities. Over 30 proposals from 23 countries were received while in the end ten projects in Africa, Asia, and Europe have been chosen to receive funding: three projects in Africa (in Ethiopia, Lesotho and Senegal), a project in Asia (in China) and six projects in Europe (Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Moldova, Poland and Serbia). 

The projects will be implemented from June 2013 to March 2014. At the end of the projects, case studies will be written illustrating activities, advocacy strategies, successes and lessons learnt so that libraries everywhere can benefit.

As for the National OA advocacy campaigns, In Serbia the winner is the National Library of Serbia - KoBSON with the project DOISerbiaThesis – assigning DOI to PhD thesis defended at Serbian Universities

The goal of this project is to motivate young researchers who already finished their PhD studies to deposit their PhD thesis into OA institutional repositories (IRs). By assigning DOIs to PhD thesis researchers will quickly become aware of increased visibility provided by OA IRs. Expected results: populating OA IRs by creating a “culture of depositing” among young researchers who will see the benefits and keep depositing their future research output; all PhD thesis will be available in OA; DOISerbiaThesis will become a contributor to DART Europe portal; Serbian researchers will practice OA publishing.

Congratulation to the grantee!

Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 11, 2013
Modified on July 11, 2013