News archive - EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators) Membership campaign
EARMA represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators within Europe. It is a voluntary, non-profit organisation which acts for and behalf of its members to assist them in their day-to-days jobs and allows them opportunities to develop and share their talents for the benefit of their institutions.
EARMA members work at the forefront of building the European Research Area while the Association forms the interface between research funding organisations and the scientific community, bridging cultural and legal differences between countries, and between academia and industry, contributing to policy consultations, and managing the smooth running of research projects.
The working groups of EARMA represent a key way in which members can make a vital contribution to the Association, whilst offering a means for developing their own careers Just to mention some of them: Horizon2020, FP financial Group, FP7 discussion Forum, ERA and Framework Programmes, Ideas and Suggestions for future activities.
In order to become full members you can use the online form applying for either an Ordinary membership or an Institutional membership. For more information read the Members Benefits page.
The Research management topics covered by EARMA are:
- Financial administration and research project management
- Funding awards from grant-giving bodies
- European Framework funding and European Research Area policy
- Charitable and national funding schemes (including US federal)
- Contractual and IPR issues in international research collaborations
- Research governance, ethics and compliance
- Structures and services offered by research support offices
- Contact with a wide network of professional research managers and administrators from more than 30 countries (European and global)
- A bi-monthly professional publication, 'Link', focusing on important topics for research managers
- A 3-day Annual Conference comprising keynote speeches, parallel presentations and workshops on relevant research management topics
- An International Research Management Fellowship Exchange Programme between the US and Europe
- Training events and activities
- An interactive website with discussion forums and e-mail newsletters
- Information on international research management job vacancies
- Opportunities for members to join Working Groups on topics relevant to their profession (e.g. FP7)
- A Training & Integration Fund (TIF) to facilitate staff exchanges between Member organisations
- A Brussels-based association with regular communications with the European Commission and policy-makers
- Opportunities to share your professional experience with others and develop your career
- Opportunities to volunteer and contribute to the development of European research management policy and practice
For any further information, idea or feedback please contact .
- General/no specific focus
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 14, 2018
Modified on May 30, 2018